Holy Rosita

Feature Film by Wannes Destoop

Rosita is een goedlachse, graag geziene vrouw met een vurige kinderwens. De mensen rond haar vinden het onverantwoord omdat ze amper voor zichzelf kan zorgen. Wanneer Rosita toch zwanger wordt, besluit ze het geheim te houden.

Status: Released


Fiction Series 8x42' by Wannes Destoop

This tragicomic fiction series focuses on ten obese men and women, who want to improve their lives and therefore participate in the 'Albatros' slimming camp in the Ardennes.

However, upon arrival it’s clear that they carry not only physical, but also emotional excess weight. The atmosphere quickly gets heated. The participants are physically challenged by a not so subtle coach. And the group therapist looks into their souls as she tries to get them out of their comfort zone. The protective layers with which they kept the outside world and their past at a distance are peeled off one by one. Until, the once obese inspirer of the camp, whom they look up to, seems to carry a dark secret within himself.

International sales by Wild Bunch TV.

Watch here:
Listen here:

Status: Released


short by David Williamson

ADA has a choice. Confess to a murder she didn't commit, or plead her innocence before a jury.

Where to watch:

Status: Released

Beats of Love

Fiction Series 8x52'

Twenty-five years after the breakup of the iconic ’90s boy band Beats of Love, former members Tommy, Marco, and Ismaël decide to reunite for a nostalgic comeback concert. Former momager Jackie, mother of Tommy, viciously opposes the idea, knowing that stirring up the past will reopen old wounds and bring long-buried secrets to light—especially the tragic death of Jason, their most beloved member.

8 x 52'

Drama / Dark comedy

Status: In development

War of the Worlds

8 x 48'

War of the Worlds is gebaseerd op het science-fictionklassieker van H.G. Wells uit 1889. Deze versie heeft een hedendaagse Europese setting en geeft een beeld van wat er van de mensheid op onze planeet zou overblijven na een buitenaardse aanval.

Where to watch: 

Status: Released


short by Leonardo Van Dijl

An 11-year-old gymnast comes to realise how high the expectations to come will be.

Where to watch: 

Status: Released


short form fiction (12x'10) Winner Student Prize CANNESERIES

In Lockdown the setting, the visiting room of a prison, is indirectly a reflection on the situation of quarantine and social distancing. The series has 12 self-contained stories, each lasting 10 minutes. Crime is not central, but rather feelings of loneliness, love, hope, powerlessness and desire.

Status: Released

Alors on danse

Feature Film by Pieter Van Hees

Wanneer Zoé en Ota onverwachts als dansduo gekoppeld worden tijdens een casting, groeien ze ondanks hun uiteenlopende karakters en aanvankelijke wantrouwen toch naar mekaar toe, en worden de vlinders voelbaar. Tot blijkt dat Ota niet degene is waarvoor hij zich uitgeeft…
Alors on danse is een energieke, romantische en grappige hedendaagse dansfilm in Brussel.


When Zoé and Ota are unexpectedly paired as a dance duo during a casting, they initially clash, due to their contrasting personalities and mutual suspicion. As they journey together, however, their connection deepens, igniting a tangible chemistry. Until it turns out that Ota is not the one he pretends to be...
Alors on danse is an energetic, romantic and funny contemporary dance film set in Brussels.

Status: In development


short by Laura Van Passel

Kato, 16-year-old, goes on a ski holiday with her half-brother Alex. The two teenagers don't know each other that well, and try to build the first stones to a brother-sister relationship. Soon they realize that they look at each other with very different eyes, and things are more complicated than one would expect. Although she fights it at first, Kato can't ignore the fact that it's not just the ski lift that makes her breathing soar...

Status: Released


Nachtdoek // short by Pieter De Cnudde

Toon, a single dad, works as a guard in a museum. When a painting disappears and his daughter, Vera, leaves in order to search for her biological parents, Toon is left with uncertainty in front of an empty wall. Two conversations, transcending time, try to untangle the impossible knot between father and daughter.


Status: Released

Let it all go wrong

short by Dimitri Baronheid & Olivier Lambrechts

Marta and Daria rush to school in the morning. When Daria is sent to the school principal, they embark on an emotional rollercoaster that pushes Marta to her limits.

Status: Released


Fiction Series 8 x 25' by Kato De Boeck & Flo Van Deuren

Bibi and Ama are two lesbian friends in their early twenties. Hoping to become a better version of themselves, they move in together in an apartment in Brussels. Each in their very own way, but under the very same roof they come to share at least one new insight: coming out doesn’t mean coming clean.

International sales by Wild Bunch TV.

Where to watch:

Listen here:


Status: Released



First feature film by Leonardo van Dijl

As the star player at an elite tennis academy, Julie’s life revolves around the game she loves. When her coach falls under investigation and is suddenly suspended, all of the club's players are encouraged to speak up. But Julie decides to keep quiet…


Langspeelfilmdebuut van Leonardo van Dijl

Als jonge belofte bij een tennisclub, staat Julie haar leven volledig in het teken van sport. Wanneer de coach die haar naar de top brengt plotseling geschorst wordt, start de club een onderzoek. Alle spelers worden gevraagd om hun ervaringen te delen. Maar Julie zwijgt.


Status: Released


Feature film by Nathalie Teirlinck

Wanneer Asters overleden broer Robin door zijn ouders prompt vervangen wordt door een robot, besluit hij samen met zijn beste vriend Wannes in opstand te komen. Want géén broer is beter dan zo’n robotbroer, toch?

Status: In development


Feature film by Nathalie Teirlinck

Overmand door verdriet besluit een gescheiden neuroloog in het studentenhuis van zijn overleden zoon te verblijven waar hij langzaam soelaas vindt door zowel de studentenkamer als het studentenleven van zijn zoon te gaan bewonen.


Overcome with grief, a divorced neurologist decides to stay in the student house of his deceased son, where he gradually fifinds solace by inhabiting both his son’s student room and his student life.

Status: In development


Fiction Series 8x52' (2015, Canvas)

Famous stand-up comedian Freddy De Vadder flees to a picturesque village called Bevergem. Why? Nobody knows. He doesn’t talk about it. The contrast between him and the grotesque residents could not be bigger. In anticipation of the yearly town festival the temper gets heated. But Freddy doesn’t care. He just hopes his hideout is secure.

Over 700.000 spectator on a weekly basis.

25% marketshare and biggest hit for Canvas in years.

Awards & Selections: International Film Festival Rotterdam, BANFF Rockie Award nomination, 3 Flemish Television Stars, Humo Award,...

Where to watch:

Status: Released


Feature Film by Gilles Coulier.

When the craggy patriarch of a struggling North Sea fishing company falls overboard of his vessel, his eldest son has to take over the family business, igniting dark tensions between three brothers. Stern and serious Jean is a single father to an 8-year-old and sees a dying fisheries business as having no possible future. Younger sibling Francis must hide his secret love affair and desperately wants to escape to seek happiness. Only black sheep William, returning home to an indifferent welcome, wants to carry on the family trade.

Developed within TorinoFilmlab.

Opening night Film Festival Ostend with over 3.500 spectators.

Awards & Selections: San Sebastian Film Festival, BFI London Film Festival, Thessaloniki Film Festival (Best Screenplay Award), Talinn Black Nights, Les Arcs Film Festival, Torino Film Festival, Göteborg Film Festival, Netherlands Film Festival,…

Status: Released